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The retro style graphics are a nice choice. The biggest issue I had was that this game has to be played full screen. I tend to multitask, so that was an hassle. You should make this a M or A rating, that way you could include more freedom with her changing close ups. With a few changes, this game would rally excel.

Graphics look nice, and make it easy to tell everything apart. Controls take a minute to master, and never gave me an issue. A good platformer has to be challenging, but also fair. Top notch for a game made in 72 hours.

It is an interesting gadget game. Including some instructions would be a good idea. It feels like a giant inside joke, that many will not understand. This game has around thirty artists, but it could really use a Beta Tester. Let me know if you would like me to Beta Test your next game.

pollyanoid responds:

this game is perfect.

jOnline responds:

this game is perfect.

perish-lolz responds:

this game is perfect

Just-a-ng-dummy responds:

this game is perfect.

DRCranium responds:

this game is perfect.

Nohshy responds:

this game is perfect.

Graphics bring me way back to the days of simple Game and Watch devices. Controls gave me no issues at all. Lots of platforming action, and the challenge will rev up the longer you play. Top notch work.

Graphics remind me of playing the original Gameboy. The controls could be tricky to others, but they worked well enough for me. The difficulty could be challenging for some, but my years of video game experience helped me defeat it easily. It was nice for a short fight, but you should add more combat. Next time, add a few levels and maybe another boss or two.

The medals work, and I earned them.

The Pixel art graphics are clear, and have a dark shade. It reminds me of old school NES games. The learning curve is simple. The difficulty is challenging, but not too hard. A nice game to play if you want a Halloween vibe.

It is nice to see a Kobold as a hero for once, or the main character at least. I have not played a good run and gun game in a long time. The music is a little buggy, so you might want to fix that up.

Pixel Art graphics are the norm these days for most games. You can feel the influence from Earthbound and Mother. It work okay as a demo. Once you submit the finished game, it should really improve.

Graphics were unity based. You can feel the influence from the Play Station one library of games. I would of enjoyed seeing more action and different types of weapons.

The cartoony graphics reminds me of so many old school cartoons that I have watched over the years. The long legs gave me the impression that the main character is tall. There should be more tall people as main heroes in video games. I liked it overall.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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