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Graphics are retro themed pixel art, and present a Halloween vibe. The controls have issues. When you stick on walls and can't move for a second after taking damage, it really messes up your movement. Once that is fixed, the game will really improve.

The Pixel Art gives it a nice retro vibe. The controls are simple, but work well enough. I had no issue with the challenge. Just watch out for the deadly water.

Using Color as a weapon seems like an interesting idea. However, it can really be distracting with so many colors. The challenge level has a decent curve to it. It should be much better once the final project is released. This is just a demo.

Graphics are retro and the colors are decent. Control work well, but I could not find a way to pause the game. The music and sound effects need some series work. I can tell that this is a demo. The game should be much better once it is completed.

The graphics look like an actual device to make and record music. I messed around with the controls, and they work pretty well. If you ever wanted to make spooky music, but didn't know how. This is the Gadget for you.

KittyhawkMontrose responds:

Thanks for reviewing! ^_^

Graphics are pixel art and have a black and white tone. The controls are tricky, and it can take a few minutes to figure out how to use them. Playing as a frog is fun in this platformer. Very good for a game made in only ten days.

This is an a very unique game. Rhythm meets a RPG Maker game, and the graphics seem to have a sci-fi feeling to them. If you like to try new things, and love Rhythm action, than this is the game for you.

The black and white graphics give it a noir feeling. Point and click and using WASD keys are very simple controls that have worked for many decades. If you take your time, solving the mystery can be done.

Graphics are retro and have a top down view. I can see the influence from The Legend of Zelda. Attacking enemies can be challenging since it is hard to determine the range of your attack. This is the first game that I have played on NewGrounds that is all about finding missing socks.

Butzbo responds:

I wasn't expecting that last observation haha! Thanks for playing!

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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