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The game is an example of pixel art done correctly. I mastered the controls after a few tries. The mechanics of this game are top notch, once you figure them out. It is not only fun to play, but also has a decent repayable factor.

Graphics are okay, but that is not the main feature of this game. It is all about dealing with the controls and the art of exploring. Once you start to find the location of new weapons, than exploring will be made much easier. If you give this game a chance, you will be rewarded will fun and completing all of the challenge.

2021 is the year of pixel art, and this game is just another example of it. It took me a minute to figure out the controls, so you should be ready to experiment with them. This game is very chaotic. It is defiantly an example of its better to be lucky than good. It should be easier to unlock new characters as well.

The graphics are bare bones and minimalist. Controls are simple, but effective. This is a puzzle game all about various elements and how they interact. The levels are challenging, but they can all be completed. If you enjoy puzzle games, than this is the game for you.

Graphics are pixel art, because pixel art is taking over these days. Controls are listened on the front screen, and they are easy to use. This game is all about competition. Who can earn and maintain the highest score. This game starts easy, but the difficult factor really rises quickly.

Graphics are old school style like the 1930's. It reminds me of Cup Head, I can see the influence from that game. I mastered the controls quickly. The bounce ability is the move that I used the most. Having the sound effects being written text was an interesting move. The physics can be challenging at times, so working on them would help the game to improve.

Pixel art strikes again in the land of Graphics. Controls worked well enough for me, so no issues with them. Its a strategy game, so you have to plan out what you want to do to complete the challenge. I would make the people people bigger, but that is just me. All in all, it is a fun game about Wizards and a crystal.

Graphics are once again pixel art, everybody likes the retro style. Trying to figure out how to ride gravity is a bit tricky. I had to try it out a few times to get the feel. Once you master the gravity skill, than you will progress in this game. I enjoyed it, but it could use more content and places to explore.

Pixel art graphics are pretty much the standard these days when making games. I mastered the controls quickly so no issues for me. This game is a nice little hop and bob platformer.

The graphics are pixel art and retro influenced. The characters seem to small, they should be larger. Controls were okay, but sometimes the shift roll could be too slippery. If you added more levels and content, there would be much more improvement.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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