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The graphics are pixel art and look retro enough. Controls are okay, and allow you to go fast. This game seems to be all about going as fast as possible. The concept of running through the ending of the stage to start back at the beginning seemed odd to me. I guess it was an easy way to make the game feel longer?

The black and white graphics give it a no thrills look. It took a second to figure out all the controls and they work well enough. There is a learning curve, but once you get the feel for the game you can really start cooking. This is a simple little puzzle game.

This game has no graphics at all, just text. Controls are just basic point and click. Not bad for a choose your own adventure style game. Fine enough for a Robot Day 2021 submission. It could use more razzle dazzle. It is just so plain and bare bones.

Graphics are all pixel style, so that is nice. Controls is where I had some issues. They were stiff and gave me issues if I tried to so things too quickly. The anime style was a nice touch. Fixing the controls and removing all of the lag would really help it improve.

Graphics are pixel art and they can really grow on you. However, this game has a bad habit of showing a black screen. Once a black screen triggers you have to refresh the game. That is a major flaw that will turn off many players. Controls are simple as it only uses one button. Once you correct the black screen bug, there will be overall improvement.

Graphics have a low rez theme which actually works well. No issues with the simple controls at all. There could be move actions and ways to kill the enemies. This is a fine submission for the LowRezJam 2021.

The graphics are really small, which is always a poor choice, and there is very little attention to detail on John. Controls work well enough, so no issues with them. Being able to skip the dialogue was a smart idea. If you made the graphics larger and better quality, this game would very much improve.

A game about Pizza being made illegal. That idea alone should scare many players. The quest to figure out why it happens will keep the player going through out the game. Graphics are pixel art, so no complaints with them. However, this is just a demo, and that takes away from the overall enjoyment of this game.

Graphic are solid, but there could be more attention to detail. Controls are not solid, and could use serious work. There could be more ways to attack enemies. It is nice for a game made in only seven days.

Its a stickman game, so you know the graphics will be weak. To be fair, the clouds in the background was a nice touch. The controls seemed off, point and click with the mouse would of felt more familiar. Including more choice options would help it improve. The comedy was low for a parody.

The medal works, and I earned it.

zdrmonster1 responds:

Ah, alright. I'll take the feedback!

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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