
7,723 Game Reviews

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An infinite runner mixed with sword fighter in an unique idea. Graphics look nice enough and have a retro feel. Being able to change the controls is always helpful, and would help here. This games suffers from slowness. Remove the lag and this game will really improve,

rgs-dev responds:

Thank's DoctorStrongbad, for your feedback!

I'm trying to poolish the game and will consider change controls or insert a controls option.

Another puzzle solving game that feels the same. You point and click and try to figure out the puzzles. The graphics are average, but you can tell things about. Next time, try adding something new and exciting.

Graphics are average, and the controls work well enough. Running and shooting to save the farm is an interesting idea. Not bad at all for five people made in only two weeks.

This complete demo is a little better than the original. The collision detection still needs to be fine tuned. Graphics could be sharper and more detailed. You are getting better as you go.

A nice little avoider game. The graphics are basic and small. The screen should be larger. It would make everything easier to see. There should be a way to change the controls. Arrow keys or the mouse would make moving easier.

Retro graphics remind me of so many past RPGs. The controls work well and there was no slowness at all. The puzzles can be challenging, but nor impossible. An excellent Ludum Dare 43 entry.

This is a basic game that feels like a demo. There is not enough to do, and almost zero replay factor. Add more action, battles, and goals to accomplish. Once the game is completed and improved it will be much better.

The outer space space graphics are dark, but colorful. Being able to change the enemies path puts a new twist on the old formula. Having more tower choices and upgrades will make it even better.

hopeslicer responds:

Yeah, I know, I've been told so by a lot of players.

Initially I had a bit more content & depth but I removed them since I was scared players won't like them
I've learned my lesson now. :))

Also, thank you! :')

Throwing darts in this game is difficult. It could really use a tutorial that explain the rules and how to play. Aiming the darts should be simple and fun. Improving that would improve this game very much.

Graphics are a black box with no detail at all, a green square, and a large red background. There should be goals to complete. This game is slow. Lag can ruin even the best game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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