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I really enjoyed playing this game. The combination of comedy and action worked really well. My biggest issue was when you have to change your weapons. Especially when you find an excellent one.
Adding more weapons and different enemies would help improve it.

WhalesAndGames responds:

Thank you, and we're glad that you enjoyed it! The weapons changing mechanic was added in as to attempt to force you to manage your strategy in regards to the weapons you have in hand, and have you always switching weapons to ensure you wouldn't stay massively over-powered or under-powered to the point the combat would fall into monotony.

However, we have read some people commenting about that mechanic and how it felt slightly forced. We'll look into the possibilities of swapping it off with another mechanic to balance weapon trade-offs, but also to ensure the player is always rotating weapons.

For this version of the game we actually had several ideas for even more weapons and enemies, but decided to keep them out for the time being. We'd totally love to implement those ideas in a future version of course! Thank you for your feedback!

An interesting twist on a fighting game, by making the hero blind. You should be able to move and react quicker. Enemies can spawn to close and that can kill you. If you fix those two issues, this game would really improve.

I think this is the first game that I have played where the hero is a slice of pizza. Controls take a few tries to figure out, but they work well. Adding more power ups and ways to regain health would increase the fun.

Graphics are good for a stick figure game. No issues with the controls at all. Once you figure out combat, the game is fairly easy. It did lag in certain areas. Remove the slowness to improve it.

Lots of action and combat in this game. There should be a way to change the controls. If you included a save feature, it would be much better. Every action game needs a save feature, so you do not lose your progress.

This is a version of Arkanoid, the Nes classic, but where are the power ups? Graphics and colors are good.

FritGames responds:

Hello DoctorStrogbad ! Thanks you for your comment, this game is in development, so it is not over yet, do not worry, we will add elements in future updates :)

Graphics are great and the animation is smooth. If you are not afraid to grind, you get can get stronger and make your way deeper into the plot. To make it better, add more levels and upgrades.

This game is challenging, but in a fun way. Once you complete it, you really feel a sense of accomplishment. It took me 3:12 to finish it the first time. Great job.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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