
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This is a fun upgrading game. The graphics and controls are great. The medals work. I earned them all. Keep up the good work. Will there be a sequel?

This is a fun, fast paced, shooting game. The controls work well. The medals work ,and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

This was a short, fun game. It took a while to get used to the controls, but they work well. The medals work. I did not find the secret medal. Keep up the good work. Will there be a sequel?

malec2b responds:

The game is part of an episodic series. I've done many so far, and I'll likely do more in the future. The are more episodes on my site here: http://renegadesector.com/

Glad you enjoyed.

This is a fun jumping box game. Controls work well. Some of the boards are very challenging, but not impossible. The medals work. I earned them all. Keep up the good work.

This is a very fun game. I enjoyed shooting and exploding everything. It would be nice if there was a way to play longer. Maybe a power up that increases your time? Great job. Will there be a sequel?

SinclairStrange responds:

Aye they'll be a sequel and I'm going to add a mode where time will be extended ect ect. I just wanted to keep it short and sweet this time around and see what people's reactions was to the formula.
Glad ye found it fun! =)

This is a fun robot buying game. The strawberry task could of been easier, but not impossible. The medals work. Keep up the good work.

At first I wasn't into this game, but after I while it grew on me. I really enjoying hugging people with my bear. It can be hard to not kill the homeless, but it can be done. Controls are good. Graphics were fine. The medals work. I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

This is a nice, simple ball bouncing game. The graphics and controls work well. The medals work. I earned all of them.
My suggestions are: add more color, more music, and change the force upgrade. I think making the force upgrade work multiple times work be a great idea.
Will there be a sequel?

The longest I lasted was 145 seconds.

This is a very simple snake game. The controls work fine. The snake does stop at 29. Please fix this error in the game.

Pointyfern responds:

It should be fixed now, my sincerest apologies. Let me know if you ever encounter another issue. Thanks for the help, it is greatly appreciated.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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