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Poor controls and unrealistic medal times

This game falls into the trap that many producers make, trying to make a game hard and not enjoyable. There are countless flash games where the difficulty factor is high and enjoyment level low. Benny's Adventure is one of these games.

Poor controls and hit detection also hurt this flash. The time requirement on the medals should be raised by 10 to 15 seconds each. If you miss one jump you have no chance of turning on the heat in thirty seconds.

Please try harder in the future ,and use more play testers. I will volunteer to beta test if I am needed.

The graphics were nice. Would of been nice to hear more than one song.

J-qb responds:

I think this is more an issue of you not liking difficult games than me not trying hard. The fact that the controls are difficult to master is something that I put in on purpose; The same goes for the hit detection. The fact that you dont like them doesnt make them poor. To get the <30 sec medal you are allowed to miss one jump; and frankly; its not supposed to be easy.
I used plenty playtesters; I appreciate the offer, but your undoubtedly amazing testing skills will not be needed..

Thanks for the comment on the graphics.

Excellent short game

I know this game was made in 72 hours, but you did an excellent job. The graphics were great, and I did not find any glitches. Escape from ice mountain is a short and sweet flash. Good luck in winning the competition. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

MonoFlauta responds:

Great, thanks for the review :) If we make good in the competition will be a second part for sure :)

Excellent Time Waster

This game is fun, short, and sweet. I enjoyed the graphics and game play. The programmer created Eskimo River Rush in few days, but did an amazing job. Would look forward to a sequel.

If you like snow or melting ice, then you will enjoy this game.

Toss The Turtle 1.5

This game was good, but some what unoriginal. If you have ever played Toss the Turtle, then you will know what to expect. Santa is launched from a cannon ,and grenades are used to bounce him further. Santa can Fly is fun as a time waster.

This game , like most flash games, needs a feature to awards medals already received. That would be very useful to medal hunters. Some of the Medals seem to be broken.

I think the amount of gifts required is too high. The other requirements were fine.

If you miss Christmas or enjoy collecting medals, you should try Santa Can Fly.

Somebody needs to fix this game

How did this game get on the Games with medal list if it does not work? there seems to be something wrong with the level select screen. I tried playing this on Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome. Hopefully the programmer can fix this bug soon.

The graphics and music are nice. I can not judge the game play or difficulty. Once this game works, I will return and play it until I receive the medals.

Good Game

This was a good ,but not great flash game. I enjoyed the graphics and the jokes. The gameboy screen was cool. Music was catchy. Controls could of been better. Game play was repetitive.

The medals are really difficult this year. It takes away from enjoying the art, when you struggle to find the medals. The Collab is nice, but please do not make the medals so difficult to obtain. Once I obtain the medals, I can relax and just enjoy the art.

Music and art are wonderful. I did not like the navigation panels. I really enjoyed the Iron Man,Captain America and Wolverine art. Could we have more of that next year?

The medals work, and I earned them all.

JKAmovies responds:

There is a possibility, we'll see ;)

Challenging Game

I enjoy the graphics and music of this game. I think it was a good idea to use cats against cat invaders. However, this game has some issues. First, the price of upgrades does not goes well with the amount of money received. Either allow more money given or lower the price of upgrades.

Second, The challenge level should be altered. I know every game designer wants to make a good product, but there needs to be a difficulty setting. This game could really use the choice of easy, normal, and hard.

Supreme Game

This game is excellent. The art, music, action, and challenge are supreme. I was not a big fan of the mini games, but everything was awesome. Looking forward to part four of the series. Keep up the top notch work.

Good Work

Good work on making a nice flash. Your English was excellent. I always enjoy seeing myself in a flash game. :)

EventHorizon responds:

thanks :)

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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