
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Good Quiz Game

I like the Save your life series ,and the third one is not a disappointment. I recommend that you check out parts one and two before playing this game. The questions range from television shows, to music, to common concepts. Save your life can be challenging ,but I found it enjoyable. It is too bad that this is the final chapter. I did find all of the medals and completed this game.

Fun game but last boss Hard

This is a fun Madness day game. Pressing arrows and then the space bar on your killing spree. The game is fun until the last boss. The difficulty raises dramatically when trying to kill the clown. Please adjust the challenge level. If you wish the clown to be that hard, then you could create a hardcore mode for players that enjoy that type of thing.

Another Excellent Game

I always enjoy the Reincarnation games. The graphics are great and simple controls. The music and sound effects help tell the story. I recommend this game to all.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

The Price is Right ,but is your luck?

The Price is Right is an excellent TV show. Bob Barker is the man. I have always wanted to play Plinko.The problem with this game is that it is all luck based. You click once and have to see what path is chosen. If you have some extra time and determination, you can attempt to get the medals.

I like this game

I enjoy this game. It is fun and not too challenger. I have beaten it, but I have not received any medals. I use Firefox. Has anybody else problems with the medals?

Good game but beware of LAG MONSTER

This is a fun beat them up game. Your a Super Hero fighting knights, archers, and wizards. There could of been more super powers. Survival mode causes the game to LAG very much. It took almost two hours to receive the 15 min survival mode medal. The music is not so good.
All in all, not a bad game. I would like to see a sequel with a mute button and quality option.

Very Difficult Game

This was a very difficult game. I had to practice over and over to achieve the medals. If there is a sequel, you should have a choice of difficulty. Easy, Normal , or Hard modes would make this game more enjoyable.

Fun Barbarian Game

This game has a Barbarian beating up people and collecting loot. Sounds like a good day to me. Difficulty was not impossible. Art was excellent. I enjoyed this game.

An Instant Classic

This is an excellent Pico game. This is a Newgrounds classic. Everybody should play this game at least once.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Good game but Extreme Difficulty

This game has excellent art and sound. It is very difficult. I would of liked to see an easy, normal, and hard option. IMHO, the extreme difficulty really hurts this game. Would enjoy a way to buy armor or a new weapon. Looking forward to seeing a sequel.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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