
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This is a very strange game. The graphics are not good at all. The controls are okay.
This is good work for a game made within 48 hours. Will there be a sequel?

Seagaia responds:

Not a direct sequel. But the aesthetics I used in this game have given me some great ideas for a game I'm working on, that in some ways needs to be a little unsettling (with more polish, this game's aesthetic will help that game get to its goal - this art style was more proof of concept. A very rough iteration of a general style, I guess.).

This is a fun game. I enjoyed freezing my opponents the most. Controls were okay. Graphics were nice.
The medal "Airwalker" did not work for me. I earned it ,but did not receive the medal. You should add a medal resend feature.
Will there be a sequel?

This is a fun and short game. Some of the clicks were challenging, dealing with the ninja. Keep up the good work.

This is an okay dress up game. I normally do not play these, but it has medals. The medals do work. I earned them both.

This is a nice classic pong game. Very simple. Nothing new or original added. The medals work. I earned them all. Keep up the good work.

This is a good game. The medals work. I earned them all. There are some bad things. The graphics are music were used without giving the author credit. The min menu button after you beat the game does not work. If you fix these things, the game would be much better. Will there be a sequel?

This is a fun game. I like the graphics and controls. The fully upgrade medal is broken. You should include a refresh medals function. That way players can receive medals if they don not send the first time. Will there be a sequel?

This is a fun and difficult game. It was a nice old school shoot em up. The medals work. I beat the game ,and had to keep playing for a while to earn the Collector medal. I found that strange because it is listed as the first medal. Keep up the good woek. Will there be a sequel?

This is a good teaching game. You can learn all about reviewing. The controls were good.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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