
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Type Fast or Lose

Text based games can be fun. It is nice to explore the world and discover new things. However, this game is not fun. It all comes down how fast you can type.
I have no problem losing in a game, if I can try again. If you lose in this flash, you must refresh the game to try it again.

Why was the gum on the floor? Did it have any use at all? All in all, this is not a fun game. Better luck next time.

Fun Jumping game

Splash Damage is a fun jumping game. Graphics are nice. Sound is okay. It would be nice if there were power ups in this game. Would be interesting to see a triple jump or maybe a floating ability? If your having trouble with the jumps, the best you can do is practice.

This is a fun time wasting game. It took me about two hours to get the million points, but still working on trying to get 50,000 in one round.

End of the screw art series

This is an okay flash. Not super, but average. I am not sure if the artists were joking or actually tried in some of the pictures. Music was okay. Since this is part three, there was nothing new or interesting. It will be difficult to ever use tools again without thinking about this flash.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Very Fun Game

This is a very fun game. Sounds and graphics were excellent. Learing curve was good and not too challenging. User submitted levels increased the replay factor. Gap Monsters is a flash masterpiece. Everybody should check it out.

Nutcasenightmare responds:

And if a unique mechanic, moderately challenging puzzles, and user submitted levels doesn't work...

Satisfying screams of suffering.
Always gets people to play a game.

Fun Game

This is a very fun flash game. Controls were different ,but not difficult. Learning curve was not challenging. Look forward to a sequel.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Last two enemies will not spawn

This is a very fun game. Nice graphics and sound effects. It was fun killing the Pothead zombies.

There is a major bug in this game. I was on level 12 and the last two enemies would not spawn. I waited a few minutes, but nothing happened. I had to reset and play again. The second play through was easier, but the bug occurred on level nine. Please fix this bug.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

leonardozimbres responds:

Thanks for the tip.

All around fun game

This is an all around fun game. Excellent graphics, sounds, music, controls, and challenge. It is very nice to play a medal game that is not boring or uber difficult. Kiss the darts is an instant classic. I look forward to a sequel. Keep up the good work.

I gave you 5/5 and 10/10.

Very Hard and Not Fun

It is very hard to hit the animals. Even with spam click, you have about fifty percent chance to hit the target. Doing well in this game has requires some skill and mostly luck.

It would be nice to see different challenge levels. How about a way to power up your shots? A slow down power up would really help.

If every review complains about "hit box ", maybe you should adjust it. Constructive criticism can only help you as a programmer.

Excellent Game

Very fun game that has great graphics and sound. Medals that can be achieved and actually work. You and your friends have done an excellent job. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Keep up the good work.

Very Fun Game

This game is very fun. Nice graphics and huge replay factor. Do the medals work? I scored 7614 but did not receive 5,000 point medal.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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