
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Why do people think hard equals good?

I enjoy playing game on NewGrounds , but I am starting to notice a trend. There seems to be a competition involving who can create the hardest game.

The difficulty can involve too many levels, play control, or just a boring game that the playing is forced to endure. I feel that Pilo is an example.

I highly recommend that you turn down the challenge in this game. Perhaps once beaten, there can be an option to increase the difficulty?

Pilo really needs a pause button. Eveybody needs a break now and then.
Pilo could use some different music. the same song gets boring after a while.

This game seems to be more of a burden, then enjoyment.

Pilo has the physics problems. I think that some people could possibly enjoy the game more if the smiley wasn't always falling. The smiley seems to have a mind of its own.

I hope my review has been helpful and I look forward to your next game.

norfor22 responds:

Thanks for the feeback :)
i will take what you said in consideraion in my next game.
which will be in a long long time..because:
1 - i'm working on an hilarious animation :)
2- i have like no free time..school and such.
3- Skyrim.

thanks again :P

Freezing at the End

This is a very fun game, but it freezes when you finish the road. I had time left on the clock, but nothing. I play the game in firefox and I have the newest flash version. Can you please fix this?

Fun turtle game

Toss the Turtle is a great game. Everything from the graphics, sounds, and controls are excellent. This game is like eating potato chips, you can't play just once. Well, you don't really eat this game, but you get the idea. lol

Very fun shark game

Miami Shark is a very fun shark game. Excellent graphics and controls. Difficultly feels good. I really enjoyed the music. If you have not tried this game, you should check it out.

Popeye on a motorbike?

This is an okay motorbike game. I am more curious about the choice of Popeye. you do know he is a Sailor?

Confusing Game

Had a hard time with the instructions, but I figured it out myself. Next time make instructions easier to understand. Background was strange but nice. Will have to check out more of your work. I do understand this is one of your older things.

The Challenge makes it not fun

This game has nice graphics and sounds. Play control is okay but there is one major problem, the Difficulty. Dangerous Dungeons is very challenging for no reason. Why did you make this game so hard? Most players do not like hard games.

I want to like this game, but the challenge ruins the fun. I made it through the first nine levels, only to find the Boss. A giant bowling ball that chases you while you jump around and watch out for spikes. This boss requires split second accuracy and almost no margin for error.

Please lower the challenge is your next game. If you wish to make a hard mode, have it after you defeat the main guy. It could be a nice bonus for players that enjoy super stressful situations.

It seems that many of the reviews involve the Difficulty. I do not think that they can all be incorrect. I hope my constructive criticism helps you.

AdventureIslands responds:

The whole purpose of the game is to offer challenging old school gameplay, there are just as many people who love the difficulty as there are haters. What people find fun is relative and I am sorry that this wasn't your cup of tea.

Heroes of Might and Magic Remake

This game is a remake of Heroes of Might and Magic. The graphics could of been better, but not a bad remake. Had fun playing this game. Will there will be a sequel?

kor6k responds:

If the game works fine, I will try to make a sequel with magic spells, new maps and I think more buildings in the map

This game is not fun

I understand that this is a 9/11 game, which in itself is a touchy topic, but why did you make it so challenging? Maybe you forgot that games are suppose to be fun? There are some people that enjoy impossible games and that is fine, but not everybody. This game feels like I already finished a game and now I am in Nightmare mode.

If you wish to make games this difficult, then you have some options. Offer a challenge system; easy, medium, or hard. Develop a normal game first, and then crank up the difficulty for an unlocked feature.

It seems most of the reviews mention this game challenge. Perhaps they are all correct? Please think about this before you make your next game. Thank you.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Kevin responds:

Maybe you've never played a NES or SNES game but they are notorious for being ridiculously hard.

I like emulating that because I'm an asshole and I don't give a shit about your opinions.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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