
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a fun avoid game. Great work on the music and graphics. It has an easy learning curve and only took about five tries to get all of the upgrades and medals. Keep up the good work. Will there be a sequel?

RedRain responds:

If this get good response and high rating i'll make the sequel, and put more skills and will be harder :)

I really enjoyed this game. Nice graphics and great sound. I had no problem saving my game, other reviews mentioned a problem about saving. Keep up the good work. Will there be a sequel?

This is a fun game. Will there be a sequel?

Lenke responds:

Maybe, if I can improve it...

This was a really fun game. It reminds me of all the fun I had playing Mortal Kombat. Mockery, you make the best remixed video games. keep up the great work. :)

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is a very fun game, but it takes a long time to complete. After playing for several hours yesterday, I find that all my data has been deleted. I am really upset that all of my hard work is gone. JuicyBeast, you really need to fix this error. Who wants to play such a long game without a save feature?

The medals work, and I earned them all.

The game is fun to play and has great sounds. I am having a problem with the medals. The game says that I have received them , but they do not show up on my profile. I am playing the game on FireFox.

This was not really a game but was informative. I learned a little bit about the SoupSquad. Will they make a sequel, I am not sure? Keep up the good work.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

SoupSquad responds:


Nice game

This was a nice find the difference game. Art was good and controls were fine. The hard level was challenging, but nothing too difficult. I look forward to more of your games.

Okay Game

This is a nice average game. Nothing really stands out about it.

Best part was that I did enjoy the old school Nintendo music.

Worst part is that the medals do not work. If you fix your medals, you will get a higher school.

Will there be a The Floorsland 5 ?

telinc1 responds:

1) Thank you!
2) I'm glad.
3) The medals work now!
4) Yes, but The Floorsland Zero is next.

Happy ClockDay 2011

ClockDay is always fun, but easy medals make it better.

BTW, there is a problem with medal B33. Please fix that and your score will be higher.

Looking forward to your 2012 flash.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

Thanks! Don't worry! I'm gonna fix that medal! just be patient :) thanks though

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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