
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This is a nice, small, Simulator. Wade to seems to enjoy pictures of bugs ,and sharpening his knife. Will there be a sequel?

Seems okay for a bunny blasting game. Graphics are average. The medal does not work for me. Will there be a sequel?

SketchistGames responds:

Thank you for the review. I will work on the medal. I will be making a squeal if it is a good idea.
I am just fourteen I am trying to learn game developing I hope my next release will be an improvement.

I really like the idea of this game. It was a very fun and I beat every level. However, I did not receive any medals. I am not sure if they are broken?
Will there be a sequel to this game?

NoLanLabs responds:

We were planning a big crazy awesome sequel. If that actually happens, it would be really cool.

This is an okay flash. You can only turn the music on and off. It is short and the medals do not work. You should fix the broken medals.

Mission 21 is broken. I can find the correct spot, but when I click it nothing happens. Please fix this so players can finish this game.

This game has average graphics and sounds. I know there there are several more sequels. Due to the fact that this game is currently broken, I had to remove a star.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

Thank you :) appreciate the feedback man!

This is a fun button game. The graphics and sounds are okay. It was challenging, but not too difficult. All of the medals work. I know that there are several sequels.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

^_^ thank you for the review bud

This is a challenging button game. Graphics and music were okay. Some of the medals do not work. I know they are several sequels.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

All the medals work D: I have them all man!

The art was nice, but the medals are broken. Once they are fixed, people should rate this " game" higher. I really enjoyed graffiti mode. That should be included in every " art " game.

Very fun game. I enjoyed the graphics, sound, and game play. It was not difficult, but not boring. All the medals worked for me. Keep up the good work. This game makes me want to go and replay the first game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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