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I really enjoyed this game. It was fun answering the questions ,and learning about some new flash games. I am happy that I completed this and earned all of the medals. Good work. Will there be a sequel?

GeneralVimes responds:

Thank you very much! Yes, I plan to release a sequel, taking into account your reviews. Currently I make the list of the games, the questions about which will be included into the second part.

This is a fun game. Graphics are nice. Took a while to understand, but then I had fun. I scored all the medals, except the secret one. Once I found the secret medal I was like " Facepalm. " Will there be a part four?

rhys510 responds:

sorry but there will be no part 4 (not soon) because another project is being made just now and is taking a while but if i get time i might make a part 4

This is a good game. Nice graphics and sound. I read the instructions, so I know how to play. The medal works. Will there be a sequel?

KazaaMafia responds:

I will be making a sequel but it will be in PC/Mac, Android, iOS formats.. Not sure if the sequel will be on sites (Flash) like here..

This is a fun platformer game. The graphics are nice. The controls can stick sometimes, but are mostly decent. I like the bonus speed for reaching the end. Will there be a sequel?

jarofed responds:

I will think about the possibility of sequel. This will depend on success of the current version of game.

This is a really fun game. I like the idea about different websites at war with each other. This game needs instructions, a way to protect players off line, and NG can really use a better bonus. How about a bonus to defense if your on-line? Keep up the good work. Will there be a sequel?

This is a nice game. I know it was made quickly for Game Jam. It is a short game and the movement is slow. The medal does not work. Will there be a sequel?

This is the best game that I have ever played on NewGrounds. Excellent graphics and sound. Easy game play. I really enjoyed all of the nes games rolled into one. I hope that you make a sequel. Keep up the good work.

This is a fun game. Nice graphics and sound. Controls were easy. I beat the game, but not all of the medals unlocked for me. Will there be a sequel?

This is a fun little rpg game. The graphics were nice and the controls were simple. The medals worked for me, except for " Come at me, pony. " i am not sure if it is broken, or NG wonky medal system.

Before I played this game, I had no idea what MLP was all about. After playing this game, I now understand that it is not my cup of tea. I look forward to the sequel.

sonicmon1 responds:

Hey Doctor Strongbad!
Yeah, the medals have been a bit up and down lately. I am currently working on a new version of this game so I won't get round to fixing this, sorry.

As for MLP, I urge you not to make a judgement off my game. That's unwise. Instead, test the waters yourself. Watch an episode. If you don't like it, that's fine. I'll have a lot of respect for you trying it rather than just trashing it without any basis for doing so.

If you loved old Cartoon classics, such as Dexter's Laboratory, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Powerpuff Girls, or any show like that, My Little Pony will, likely, appeal to you as well.

Take care, and thanks for your comment!


I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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