
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Excellent Mini Game

I enjoyed the controls, art, and challenge. I would like to see a shop where one could buy armor or better weapons. All in all a great Mini Game.

Simple but challenging game

This game seems very simple at first, but then you notice the level of challenge. I enjoyed playing it. Would be happen to see a sequel.

A challenging game with bugs

I can understand making a difficult game. Some players really enjoy them. This game's challenge is increased by errors and bugs. About half way through the game, you really notice the Double Jump problem. I can understand why most players would be frustrated and stop playing this game.

I must be crazy because I continued to play through this game. The game is hard , but boring. Nothing really interesting or exciting.

I do not like the way you edited your Author Comments. It seems like your trying to insult the audience.

All in all, not bad. Will there be a sequel? If so, please work on the Double Jump. Thank you.

Good Flash Game

This game has great game play, easy controls, and interesting concept. I have played through and beaten it three times. I look forward to a sequel with new weapons and upgrades. I did notice some bugs, but nothing that bad.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Very good game.

I like this game very much. It has great graphics, a nice challenge and replay value. I look forward to part 3.

Did you update the bugged medals yet?

This is an okay game ,but the difficult is way too

I have played all of the Shift games. I really enjoyed the first three. The fourth was made very difficult for no reason. In this edition, you start off by yourself. Then you must control two characters. Towards the end you end up with three stick figures.

I beat this game , but I found it not fun. I think game designers are so focused on challenging game play that they forget about fun. If this game had an easy, normal, and insane versions that I would understand.

Lastly, I believe the medals are broken. I received them in the game ,but they did not show up on my profile. I hope you fix this glitch soon.

Please do not vote this review useless, just because I said something negative. Thank you.

Hard for no reason

I like the animation in this game. I enjoy the black and white colors. I have no idea why this game was made so difficult. Perhaps a training course could of been added? Maybe an option of difficulty?

In addition, the save points can be frustrating. It seems like I have to hit them twice for them to actually save. I find this game to be very hard hard for no reason.

To be fair, I use my keyboard when playing flash games. I have no idea how this game would handle on a controller.

Very Fun Puzzle Flash

I liked to play the original , but the this sequel is superior. The Endless Dungeon is an awesome idea. It helps to keep this game exciting. I look forward to part three. :)

The Century of Clashes medal is bugged. I have the achievement , but not the medal.

An Interesting Concept

Drop the Bomb is a very unique game. It has an interesting concept and you can tell the author put a lot of time into it. If your lucky and have the proper knowledge, you can really enjoy yourself.

The game does have some negative points. The questions are very random. The difficulty goes from 1 to 10. The medal for three bombs at the end does not work.

I would like to see a sequel with some chnages. A difficulty setting with easy, median and hard. Maybe include a link with a walk through? Please do not include shudders.

I have played and beaten Epic war 1,2 and 3. This is a great game and I recommend it to everybody. I beat this game with all six heroes. I did not get the medals for beating with four or six players. I am glad that the broken medal was removed.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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