
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Very Fun Game , but .....

This is a very fun game , but it will not award medals. It saves my gold when I restart , but not my medals. That fact lowers the total score of my review.

I would love to see a sequel with more characters and power ups.

Glitches, Lag, and poor controls

I understand that you wanted to make this is a very challenging game. The glitches and poor controls make it unpleasant and difficult. I enjoy playing and conquering a tough video game. Runes of Shalak needs debugging. I look forward to your next flash.

Clumsy and Lame

This game has a lot of problems. The controls are clumsy and there is no option to adjust them. The attacks are lame and not funny. Stickya Adventures is hard because the lack of thought put into the game play.

This is the lowest that I have ever rated a flash. I am very disappointed with the author and I hope they try harder in the future.

Good game but do the Medals work?

I have played and beaten this game twice, but have not received the medals. The game awards them, but they do not show up on my profile. Has anybody else noticed this?

The game is fun and I recommend it to others.

Mockery responds:

usually playing in popup mode fixes that problem.

A good game

I like this game but i think the first game was slightly better.

This was a good game and I got all the stickers

This was a good game and I got all the stickers. Yep thats right. 100% beat this game. The flash really needs to give more points. The highest is 25 and you have to get to a 1000. Everything else was easy but waiting for my flash score to go up took forever. Anyways it was a good game and I 100% beat it. You should make a part 2. Then I will beat that game too. hehe

I liked this game a lot it was fun.

I liked this game a lot it was fun. I only got to level 15 but the stupid library computer kicks you off after 30 mins. I like the way it was designed and the feel of the game. I recommend not buying the cheaper troops and saving your money for the better ones. I liked the dwarves a lot and the knights are really good. :)

This was a good game.

This was a good game, it takes a lot of timing and work to beat it.
The code to the champ is HUNTER.

I liked this game. :)

I like this game. It could of beeen longer. You should make a part 2 or try making a dating sim game. Your girls were very pretty.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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