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Idle Alpha. Graphics portray a view of some of your body's functions. Gameplay controls could be altered to make things flow more smoothly. Once completed, it should be better.

gheedu responds:

I'm confused what you meant by any of this tbh, but I invite you to play the game again cause I changed it a lot since May 24th.

Graphics are the best part of this flash. Gameplay can be confusing and very rough around the edges. If you smoothed things out and made things simpler, this would be much better.

Action platformer flash. Graphics have a mystery and horror vibe. Gameplay has that Metroid vania style. Has some slowdown that should be removed.

Veinom responds:

It's probably Ruffle, or a slow PC, or the red filer in the end that can't be avoided. Or a combination of all of these things.

Pico game that is too short. Needs to be longer and have more content.

Platformer demo. Art style has steady graphics. The rhythm style gameplay can be very hit or miss depending on the player. Another demo that needs to be finished.

Adventure Demo. Graphics have a outdoors vibe, but could use bolder and vibrant colors. This can get duel and repetitive quickly. Just trying to stay warm was not as exciting as you would think. Might be a good game once it is finished, since its just a demo.

RPG themed flash. Graphics have a regal vibe combined with animals. Gameplay is all about using your cards to win. While the game should be longer, adding a save feature with be a good idea.

Puzzle themed flash. Graphics have that retro vibe. Gameplay has a mixture of breaking bricks and ball bouncing. If you could adjust your shot mid flight that would be helpful.

Action shooter flash. Graphics remind me of the Gameboy. Gameplay is all about surviving as long as possible. It could use some major unlockables.

Eating themed flash. Graphics have decent, but could have used more blood. Gameplay is hurt by the odd controls. Nice message, but should be easier to control.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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