
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Puzzle themed flash. All about the restaurant and clearing tables graphics. Gameplay was average overall, but seems like something was missing.

Platformer flash. Graphics show off your Tire Head. Short and sweet gameplay. Should be much longer.

Platformer demo. Pixel art with some cuteness graphics. Gameplay mechanics were decent enough. Needs to be longer and show off some bonus content. Another demo that needs to be finished.

RPG demo. Graphics are the best thing presented here. Gameplay is very lacking which is really where it falls apart. Add more action and gameplay for players to feel out. Might be improved once completed.

Run and jumping flash. Classic Pico graphics plus some spooky with a bit of blood. Gameplay was going and than it was all geometry dash.

Happy Pico Day 2024.

Puzzle themed flash. Pico graphics within a set of puzzles. Gameplay could use a walkthrough for all players that need help to finish.

Happy Pico Day 2024

Dating sim flash. Its Pico style graphics with some romance vibe. Images had slowdown and that really stalled the experience. Remove all the lag and things will pick up.

Happy Pico day 2024.

Hattsoff responds:

Happy Pico Day to you too! Sadly, I'm aware about the lag. My theory on it is that I got too over ambitious about the amount of sprites that I use to make up Pico, which is normally 5 total. His arms are their own separate sprites, his facial expressions, the pupils of his eyes, and then his main body. I think that Renpy hates all of the little moving pieces needing to be switched out with each other often, so lesson learned! I wanna make more of these, so here's hoping that I won't have that issue again in the future!

Action shooter flash. Pico plus guns make up the graphics. Gameplay has lag while shooting guns. Remove all the slowdown for improvement.

Happy Pico Day 2024.

Skateboard flash. Graphics have a Pico theme. It is a good start, but needs more action and goals.

Happy Pico Day 2024.

Another platformer with the Zebra. Gameplay is still slow and there needs to be more action.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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