
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Chemistry themed puzzle. Graphics look exactly like the other episodes of the series. There is no fun in this quiz at all.

This was made on 2/11/11, and I am only the third person to review it.

Parody tutorial flash. The screen size could be much larger. This is a joke that could be dangerous and is not actually funny.

Chemistry themed puzzle flash. This is episode 5 in the series. Once a quiz is over there is no replay factor to be found.

This was made on 2/12/11, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

Assassin theme flash. This is a game where you're fighting Bert from Sesame Street. This game could use more attacks and variety. Why did you pick Bert to injury?

Chemistry themed puzzle. Graphics look just like the other episodes in this series. This game does not give you the answers when you're wrong. Unless you look up the answer, you might never finish it.

This was made on 2/9/11, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

RPG flash. Graphics are very simple, and they can use more attention to detail. Gameplay is average. There should be a good animation when you kill an enemy. Then worst feature is that there is no way to save, and that if you die you go back to the beginning. Create a way to save your progress.

Puzzle themed flash. Graphics could use some razzle dazzle. There could be more entertainment and enjoyment. This could be useful for small children to learn math.

This was made on 6/1/11, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

Action shooter flash. Graphics are all taken from Mother 3 there is no creativity. Gameplay is boring and repetitive. Could use a variety of weapons, attacks, and upgrades.

Chemistry themed quiz. Graphics could have a more professional style. This is just a quiz, once you answer the questions it is over. There is no replay factor at all.

This was made on 2/12/11, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Avoider themed flash. Graphics are based off Arthur. If you created your own graphics, it would show creativity. Gameplay suffers from glitches affecting the miles and lives.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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