
7,723 Game Reviews

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Jumping demo. The main character is a ball with eyes and mouth that flash colors and a black hat. There is just white in the background. You jump around to attempt to get higher. Unfortunately, not all of the springs work so you get stuck.

Get rid of the flashing effect, polish up the main character, and add some color to those background walls. Also make sure all of you springs work.

Spaceship themed game. The background looks kind of like Outerspace. Controls are point and click to move the spaceship and fire. I am confused by the three little dancing people on the bottom on the screen. Why are they there?

I beat Noob, Pro, Max, and Goot. After Goot, the asteroids only spawned about one every thirty seconds until the game shopped.

You should add an awesome ending after Goot.

Adventure themed demo. The colors are bright, and the main character looks like a yellow Gameboy. Controls work good enough to complete the small level. However, once you finish it the game loops to the beginning. You need more levels. Being able to spend the coins in a shop could be a good idea.

Girl saving flash. Graphics are simple and could be polished up. Jumping is sticky specially when jumping near a platform. Adding the controls to the Author's Comments would be helpful. This feels like a demo. With better graphics and improved controls this could be better.

Puzzle Quiz demo. Graphics are detailed and colorful. Solving the puzzles is all about trying your best and being creative. If you like a good quiz, this is the game for you. The only downside is that this demo is short. At only 10 questions, it could be longer.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is a low quality remake of Super Mario Bros for the NES. The graphics look very rushed. A good game requires lots of time and effort. Controls were janky and jumping into the blocks did nothing. Next time, do not copy one of the world's most famous video games.

Soccer themed demo. Graphics are low quality, and it desperately needs more animation. You should add clear and concise instructions. Putting all the controls in the Author's Comments would also be helpful.

Hop and Bob platformer. Graphics are way too small, and they need to be larger so you can see them. Jumping controls just feel off. With some work on the controls and a way to zoom in on the action, this game would improve.

Sports themed shooter. The graphics are simple and need razzle dazzle. Gameplay is too basic and needs the addition of upgrades and power ups. This game is way too short.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Strategy themed flash. The Graphics go from a 3D vibe while walking to artistic during battles. Gameplay is a roguelike deck builder which is explained as you proceed. The game length should be longer.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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