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Pico themed demo. Graphics are low quality, and they need to look professional. The broken boss fight really stalls out the gameplay. With lots of hard work and effort, this could have a chance to be better.

S0MKAY responds:

Is A Perody, And Is Made Flash MX, And Not Really Good At Action Script, C'mon Dude Just Think A Little Bit

Also BTW Stop Watching "A" Rated Stuff

Point and clicking flash. Graphics are colorful and have a tropical island vibe. Controls are just point and click. You should start off with a plot. How did we get to this island and why do we want to leave. The three minute clock really speeds up the game length. There should be more to do and a fun way to do it.

Madness shooting flash. The graphics are flying madness sprites. The bright yellow background makes it tough to see the white text. Changing the text color would be helpful. When a level ends you should pause the action. Especially, since this game has no pause button.

Madness themed flash. Graphics are the Madness sprites. The only gameplay is picking different deaths. This is an interactive movie and not really a game. Some of the deaths are funny.

Match 3 flash. The graphics are colorful and bright. Controls are loose and need to be much tighter. The difficulty starts off easy and gets difficult quickly without warning.

Dating Sim flash. Graphics are based off the anime Sailor Moon. Controls are just point and click. You should add more places to go and explore. You should add more females to meet and date. If you made this game adult, you would probably get better reviews.

LiquidDarkness responds:

I'm planning on both adding more dateble characters, and places to explore. I can't afford to focus solely on this project yet, so the development is rather slow but each update adds content and in a few months I'm hoping to incorporate some minigames and other features to make things more interesting.
I did think about making an adult version that would begin with all characters aged up to 20 something but then decided not to for various reasons, I might write a post about it on my Patreon page, actually. Instead, I'll be developing something with original IP next year when I can hopefully afford to do so.
Thanks for your review, though, however short, it's motivating to speed up the development.

Strategy Card demo. Graphics look detailed and crisp, but they were all black and white. Adding bright and vivid colors would be a nice touch. It took me a few moves to figure out the game mechanics. Adding more cards would be a great way to increase the fun. With some work this demo could become Top Notch.

Will you be releasing the complete version here on NewGrounds, or just on Steam?

Mine Strategy game. Graphics are very far away. You need to bring them closer to the screen or add a zoom in feature. Controls are point and click as you collect gold when it appears. Gameplay was confusing, but I believe this is a tower defense game.

You should have a tutorial that explains how to play and the controls. That would be helpful.

Platformer beta. The graphics are inspired from Amogus the mobile game. Gameplay is average as you just walk and jump. You might want to offer an English version of your Author Comments. With more content and objects this beta could improve.

Brenozuh responds:

:( I understood your criticisms and I will try to improve (If it's written something wrong or meaningless, I used Google Translate sorry)

Casino themed flash. Graphics are simple and could use more detail. I do not believe that the Username and Password feature are necessary. They do not really add anything. You should increase the starting money. I know there is a cheat function, but you should not have to enter the cheat code just to enjoy playing the game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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