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617 w/ Responses

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Action platformer flash. Graphics involve Bart Simpson, Benson and Gaylord Robison sprites. Controls work okay. The difficulty of the last boss is not fun. Why does he need to have two forms? You should make the last boss easier.

The medals work, and I earned two of the three.

Action themed demo. Graphics are decent enough. I did not like the slippery controls at all. You should be able to explore different rooms. It was frustrating killing the same robot over and over in the same room. You should add power ups and a way to get your health back.

TopazowyGolem responds:

Alright, thanks for your opinion. I will try and do these stuff in the next update (hopefully)

Kid adventure flash. The graphics are sloppy and rushed. You should take your time and give the visuals' more effort. Gameplay suffers from slowdown. If you removed all of the lag, then this flash could be improved.

Gamemaster127 responds:

the bad grafics are intentional also slowdown could depend on the device ur using curently it only works on windows but i plan to make a mac vesion sometime soon

Combination of a first person shooter and a tower defense game. Graphics are decent and could use polishing to look professional. You should add upgrades to the guns and grenades. You should also add many new guns and weapons.

Farming sim demo. Graphics are simple and could use better visuals. I walked for a bit and fell off the screen. You should add a replay or back to main menu button once you get a game over. Instead of the game over screen just being all black. With more work and effort this demo could be better.

Restaurant sim flash. Graphics are very bright and cute. There was some comedy as well. If you enjoy making food and serving customers, then this could be the flash for you.

Auto scrolling demo. Graphics are average, but you should add some razzle dazzle to spice it up. You should add a pause button. The demo should save your progress as well.

mightywolf123 responds:

I'm just one person working on the game, I'm sorry if there's no "razzle dazzle", I'm trying. You also can pause the game, just press Enter. And this is meant to be a arcade style game, the point is to see how far you can get.

Stickman changing demo. You can change his smile and eyes. You can also can the background color. This demo needs many more categories of things that can be changed, and each one needs a much larger variety of choices.

Puzzle platformer demo. Graphics are good enough to tell everything apart. The difficulty was increased to make it hard on purpose. You should start the game off easy and then gently raise the difficulty over levels. That gives the player a learning curve as they progress.

Adventure demo. The stick figure main character should be fleshed out. The graphics need to be more professional. The controls stick on the menu seems odd. Movement should be performed by using the arrow keys. The entire demo is in Russian. You need to have an English translation.

ConUnUN responds:

Bro, this game is a joke, it's supposed to be like that

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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