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Action platformer WIP. Characters are too small. They need to be larger or zoomed closer to the screen. Controls take a few tries to figure out. I ended up changing the controls. This has potential with the metroidvania formula.

FocusedPhoenixGames responds:

I could zoom the camera in a bit, but it might make it more difficult to see the enemies and do the platforming.

Action puzzle scratch. Graphics have plenty of blood all over. Gameplay was basic, but it works. You should add some bonus content and maybe a few medals.

Simulation demo. Graphics are decent enough to tell everything apart. I had no idea what was happening because this game is not in English. You should add an English translation.

Adventure and RPG flash. I could feel the retro style from the pixel art graphics. There was a nice combination of action and comedy, parody, and humor. I did not care for the singing, but some people might like it.

Fish themed RPG. Graphics have a blurry vibe at the top and bottom of the screen. The game screen should be made smaller so it all fits on the computer screen. Gameplay is fighting fish to capture them. You should add plenty of weapons and items to help in your quest.

Visual novel. It has some graphical pictures. Unlike most visual novels, there was interactivity with the hour glasses and the long arm.

Clicker spam. Graphics are low quality. Just a clicker with no goals or objectives.

Action platformer demo. Graphics look almost exactly like Sonic the Hedgehog. Gameplay is slightly altered Sonic the Hedgehog. Shift does not make a good jump button. You should change it up. Adding some of your own ideas and art could help this demo.

Frog themed action platformer. Graphics are decent enough but could use more polish. Adding the easy mode gives the player a chance to test out the difficulty before going for hard mode. You should add unlockables when you defeat both easy and hard mode.

Rock themed prototype. Graphics are dull and could use some vibrant colors. Controls are just clicking the rock to break it. You should have a number that tracks how many rocks you have broken on the main screen. That would make it easier for the player to keep track.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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