
7,724 Game Reviews

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Maze themed flash. Graphics show off different colors on various levels. Gameplay was going okay until you introduced the sword. You should have a little tutorial that explains how to use the sword properly.

SeptagonStudios responds:

Thank you for your feedback. The sword introduction may need some work.

Collecting flash. Graphics are okay but could have better visuals. You jump around and collect coins. There should be a way to kill the enemies easily.

Boat themed puzzle. Graphics are simple and could look more professional. Gameplay of controlling the water is interesting.

Minecraft themed spam. Graphics are decent but needs some razzle dazzle. Gameplay is clicking blocks on the side of the road and fighting off monsters all while running. When it becomes nighttime, you should explain how to build things and what the things do. The difficulty is too high. It needs to be lowered, so the player gets a feel for the mechanics.

BimbusTimbus responds:

Bowsette is on her knees, and has her mouth ready. She has a really large chest, with a cute little Princess tattoo. The gray background is empty and bare. However, you can't takes your eyes off of her.

Avoider beta. Graphics are very average. Gameplay is a simple avoid and reach the end. After two levels it shows a big face and ends. If this is a joke beta, it needs more humor.

Visual novel about a business. It has some pictures, but it needs animation. If you like to read, then this might be the flash for you.

remarkablegames responds:

Thanks for the review. This game was made in less than 4 days for a game jam so unfortunately we didn't have that much time to polish the game and make it perfect.

Soundboard gadget. Zero graphics and animation. It just plays sounds. This gadget needs animations that demonstrate the sounds being played.

mr-dreich responds:

Thanks for checking Atmospherics out!

I did not know the animation for sounds playing was broken for Web, i created this primarily for the mobile market and put in on the web for free. I will try and get that fixed.

Thank you for the feedback!

Number themed puzzle. No graphics at all just text and numbers. It is a basic number sorting puzzle. If you added graphics and animation it would improve.

mr-dreich responds:

Thanks for you feedback! I wanted this to be as simple as I could possibly make it so I did not include any graphics other than simple UI.

Rock, Paper, scissors but with a fantasy twist. Graphics are just purple and white. You can always use more colors like red for the hearts. I won the game very quickly. The ending screen should be more exciting.

Calculator featuring Aerosmith. Graphics are a calculator with some silly Steven Tyler images. Gameplay is a normal calculator with some sounds added. I know this is supposed to be a joke but using it is just frustrating.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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