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Outer Space shooting flash. You can see the influence from Asteroids, it is pretty much just a remake. If you added different ship choices and some upgrades, than this could really stand out.

I had a fun time with both character choices. You should add more choice to increase the variety. I would have liked to see more gear and weapons choices. This game has potential to become better.

Basic horizontal flight shooter. Graphics need tons of special effects and razzle dazzle. The power ups are nice, but you should create at least two more of them. When you defeat a level you should earn an unlockable.

Remake a Flappy Bird but it uses a ball instead of a bird. The backgrounds could use some content instead of just being blank. You should add something original and exciting to make this game stay out.

Russian roulette flash. Graphics look realistic of the people in the guns. The twist of shooting other people and not yourself is interesting. It should be easier to have a premade character that should sink up to your NewGrounds account.

It is a game all about spawning dogs that look like bread. You should add content or objectives that can be accomplice with the dogs.

PotatoYi responds:

it's just actual bread haha(i guess i didn't model it too well but eh its fine). it's just a silly physics sandbox place (hence the 'spam genre')

though if i ever plan to expand on this as a proper 3D platformer or somethin', it's probably not any time soon.

Metrovania flash. Graphics or detailed and vibrant. I had no issues with the controls. You should add more upgrades. There should be a feature that if you get lost it shows you the right way to go.

This is a joke spam game. You press one button and that is it. There should be more things to do.

MrAppleCore responds:

Im currently in the process of making Circumcise King Neptune 2, And i can assure that you'll have more than one button to click!

Spam poop collecting flash. You should be able to use your score to purchase upgrades. Poop can spawn where you can collect it. That stops you from progressing.

RPG demo. Graphics are basic, but they work. The soda ability should not need soda to work. Magic should just use MP not items to work. You should add a bed to the first house. That way you can restore your HP for free. You should add a NPC helper to join you in the meadow.

Mel responds:

i will add all of this today and report back to you, you are completely right that soda system is a momentum killer. i gotchu! thank you!

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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