
7,724 Game Reviews

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Shooting game wear you use your body parts as weapons. It only took a few tries to master the controls. Combat reminds me of a pool game with the aiming and bounce back. The right click to reform yourself, did not work well for me.

You should add upgrades and a way to regain health.

ScolonDev responds:

Thanks for the feedback :)

Platformer demo. Your jumping should work better. I fell off the third platform and then became stuck off the screen. This needs plenty of hard work to become a completed game.

Graphics on the beginning movie looks great. The zombies look spooky and detailed. Starting on level one the zombies just come out too quickly. You should lower the number of zombies and give the player a chance to ease into the gameplay.

Also, you should give cash for each zombie you kill. That way the player could quit the level and go back to buy upgrades.

The rock vs Paper vs Scissors system actually works. There is potential to do something with this gadget. You just need to organize it into levels with a plot.

Blocky shooting flash. Graphics are decent enough to tell everything apart. You explain all the controls and how to play. If you added a great plot and some awesome power ups than this game could improve.

This is a demo that feels like a spam flash. It appears to have gameplay, but things are not explained at all. You really need to remove the closeup picture of William.

Outer Space shooting flash. You can see the influence from Asteroids, it is pretty much just a remake. If you added different ship choices and some upgrades, than this could really stand out.

I had a fun time with both character choices. You should add more choice to increase the variety. I would have liked to see more gear and weapons choices. This game has potential to become better.

Basic horizontal flight shooter. Graphics need tons of special effects and razzle dazzle. The power ups are nice, but you should create at least two more of them. When you defeat a level you should earn an unlockable.

Remake a Flappy Bird but it uses a ball instead of a bird. The backgrounds could use some content instead of just being blank. You should add something original and exciting to make this game stay out.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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