
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Strategy puzzle flash. This is Puzzle Quest clone, so the graphics and gameplay are very similar. Once you raise a level, there should be stats and skills to upgrade. You need to add more spells and an easy way to get extra turns.

Falling themed puzzle flash. Graphics are circular which seems like an interesting concept. Controls are unresponsive and need to be much tighter. Gameplay is stalled by slowdown. All of the lag has to removed right away.

Falling puzzle flash. The graphics are taken from Tetris with some added colors. Gameplay is exactly like the original Tetris. You should add new features to make it new and exciting. Since all of the medals were removed, the fun factor has really taken a hit.

This was made on 8/6/09, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Number themed flash. Graphics are average and needs razzle dazzle to help it stand out. Gameplay is all about solving the number puzzles as fast as possible. This submission is just not that fun. If you added medals, it would increase the enjoyment factor.

This game was made on 4/5/12, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Soccer themed flash. The graphics are colorful and have that cute vibe. Controls did not cause any issues for me. Having better directions would be helpful. You should add more levels and unlockables.

This was made on 3/3/13, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Sliding puzzle flash. Graphics are colorful and have a nice level of detail. This game moves faster than you would think. Especially, when you are first start. Lower the speed and the gameplay should be fairer.

This game was made on 6/30/13, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

Tower Defense flash. Graphics have a cute toy vibe. Graphics are where the issues pop up. The enemies start off way to strong, and they need to be weaker. You should be able to upgrade all towers and they should show range of attack. The game should pause before each wave, so you have time to place towers.

This game was made on 12/13/10, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

War strategy flash. Graphics are good enough to tell all the different units apart. This game really needs an option to play against the computer. That way you can have fun without having to wait for an opponent to show up.

Kanji learning flash. Graphics are pretty basic, and they could use more animation and sparkle. You can set your level of difficulty and the number of questions you want to answer. You should add sections where you can study before you take the tests.

This was made on 4/1/11, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

Math themed soccer flash. Graphics are pretty simple and could use some razzle dazzle. Game play is all about solving math questions to score on the goalie. This might be useful for small children to learn math.

This game was made on a 4/21/09, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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