
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Arson themed flash. Graphics are inspired by Darnell Plays. Gameplay is just point and clicking the objects flying towards you. You could add a score board so players could complete against each other.

Mugsyman303 responds:

Good Idea thank you for the comment! and it's supposed to be simple

Mix between a clicker and an adventure demo. Graphics are okay but could look more professional. Gameplay is about clicking at certain times during the plot. It could have more content and be much longer.

Smiley themed demo. The graphics are low quality and look rushed. Gameplay is just clicking the smiley. If you made the graphics more professional and added some unlockables, than this demo might get better.

Action Platformer flash. Graphics need a zoom in feature as they are very small. Controls only took a few seconds to master. I would have liked to see plenty of upgrades. Gameplay is decent in this average platformer. Nothing really new or exciting to be found.

Cat themed fighting demo. Both fighters are the same sprite. As with most games, you really need to put the controls in the Author's Comments. You should add more attacks and some special moves.

Soccer demo. The graphics seem to be place holders. They should be upgraded to better visuals. You should write the controls in your Author's Comments so people know how to play. With lots of effort and hard work this could improve.

This is a submission that ends in a few seconds. There is almost no game play at all. You could try adding more levels and objectives to accomplish.

Michael-13 responds:


This is a painting demo. Painting programs have been done many times in the past. It would be very challenging to turn a panting program into a full and complete game. You would be better off trying a new idea.

War themed demo. Graphics need polish to look more professional. An army guy runs around and shoots stuff. Writing controls in the game and In English was nice. Dying after one hit is not fun. You should add power ups and upgrades.

Tank themed demo. The tank looks nice and there is at least a green background. You should list the controls in your Author's Comments. I managed to drive the tank, but every obstacle killed me. You should add a health bar, because tanks should not die in one hit.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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