
7,723 Game Reviews

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Puzzle platformer flash. Graphics are colorful, but they could be zoomed in. Gameplay is mostly just killing yourself to proceed to the next level. You should be able to increase your jumping height.

Archery themed flash. Graphics only use the colors of green and black. The challenge level gets tough and then the challenge grows harder. Adding upgrades and more check points would be helpful.

Sliding puzzle flash. The graphics need more polish to look professional. You use the arrow keys to collect yellow dots. There is almost no challenge. Becomes repetitive very quickly.

Shooting themed demo. Graphics are circles without detail or style. The concept of killing yourself before gameplay begins is faulty. Using a beta tester would help catch glitches and errors.

Find the exit flash. The graphics have a dark and spooky vibe. Gameplay is all about the pointing and the clicking. This is one of those games that makes very little sense. You are forced to read the walkthrough if you want to finish it.

Rhyming themed flash. Graphics are tame for a game with zombies. It could use lots of blood and gore. Gameplay is point and click and the rhymes. It was really short, so you might want to make it longer.

Adventure themed flash. The hand drawn art is a nice touch to the overall scary graphics. Controls are point and click as you explore your surroundings. The challenge level can be high. If you provided different difficulty settings, that could help newer players.

Escaping themed flash. Graphics were colorful and had a nice level of detail. It is your basic point and click game. If you provided the option of helping Obama or Bush the game would have more freedom. Adding unlockables could help with the replay factor.

Escaping themed flash. The graphics are good enough to tell everything apart. Point and click controls work well enough. The game length needs to be longer, and you need different levels to explore.

Adventure themed flash. I understand that the graphics were not your main focus, but it could look more polished. Controls are your standard point and click. When you die, you should restart from the same screen.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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