
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Shark feed flash. Graphics were okay and showed off an underwater environment. Gameplay was really lacking. You should list all the controls in the author's comments instead of begging players for a 5.

Action themed flash. Graphics have a dark theme to them that goes well with the concept. Gameplay works well but you should list all the controls in the author comments. Adding more power ups, weapon choices and perks would be a smart idea.

Sonic themed flash. Graphics are all based off of Sonic the hedgehog. Gameplay works well enough. If you made a screen larger it would be a good idea.

Run and gun shooting flash. Graphics are sprites taken from Metal slug. Gameplay is all about walking and shooting until you run out of ammo. A decent shooting game would offer you much more ammo and a variety of weapons.

Action shooting flash. Graphics are colorful and you can definitely tell everything apart. can you play with benefit from a auto fire feature, weapon variety, and perks. You should really use spell check because the title and several things in this game are misspelled. That really brings down the overall quality.

Action fighting flash. The graphics have a simple and amateur vibe. Gameplay offers and actions to perform. The worst thing about this game is that it is just a beta. Once it is finished it could become top notch.

Pumpkin killing flash. The graphics are probably the best part of this game. They have a spooky Halloween vibe. The gameplay suffers from poor mechanics. If it was easier to toss your weapons, then this game would really be better.

Kill the celebrity flash. Graphics are colorful I have a decent level of attention to detail. Gameplay was easy enough to kill Justin. If you had different weapon choices and ways to assassinate them this would be improved.

2016 presidential flash. Graphics were very colorful and had a nice level of attention to detail. Gameplay was pretty simple but have a high level of fun. If you added an ending with the winner being animated and taunting the loser that would be a nice touch.

Memory puzzle flash. Graphics are okay on the cards and their images. Can you play is basically the card game memory brought to flash. Nothing new or exciting.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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