
7,723 Game Reviews

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Strange mixture of a game and music. Graphics are lacking proper backgrounds. If you went all in on Gameplay it would be better. It just seems like a mixture that doesn't come together well.

This was made on 5/3/06, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Another tutorial that is average. Needs more information and to explain them in detail. It could use shiny graphics and razzle dazzle to help it stand out from all the other tutorials.

Tutorial that feels rushed. Graphics need attention to detail and shine. You should correct all the spelling and grammar errors. Take your time and actually create a back button and a few musical tracks.

This was made on 5/6/06, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

Little quiz flash featuring The Simpsons. It was very easy for anybody that is a fan of the animated family. If you added multiple quizzes, graphics, and some animation that this could be improved.

Mario themed flash with issues. Graphics are passable but they need vibrant colors and polish. Gameplay suffers from many glitches and some slowdown. Remove all the glitches and that lag. Most people are not going to a strange website to play a different version of your game.

Spaceship game that borrows from Asteroids. Graphics are decent but you could use more razzle dazzle. Gameplay was stalled by the controls. You should allow the player to reconfigure them.

This was made on 6/28/06, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

It's a Dress up game featuring a snowman. You should add more props and more backgrounds as well. If you added a cute anime girl than your audience would enjoy this game much more.

This was made on 12/1/06, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Soundboard that features the Aliens the film. Adding more sound clips would be very helpful. You should add some animation to make this soundboard stand out from all the others.

Remake of Teris that falls flat. This is a remake so no points for creativity. Graphics on the backgrounds are just blank. They desperately need colors. You can even change the colors on different levels for a dynamic style.

Celebrity shooting game that was given a confusing name. Where are the Emo targets? Graphics were average but need more razzle dazzle. Gameplay of a basic shooting game. You should add a bigger variety of guns, weapons, and power ups.

This was made on 10/24/06, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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