
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Action flash all about killing squirrels. Gameplay could use more variety of attacks, power ups, and your health should not drain away.

This was made on 8/10/06, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Based of DDR, but not as exciting. You took the idea of DDR and turned it into a guy dancing. It would be better if you kept it more like the original game. The music used should sound clearer.

Starship themed flash all about Defending the Earth. Graphics could use some razzle dazzle. Gameplay can be fun, but not addictive to most players. Adding more weapons, attacks, and upgrades would be helpful.

This was made on 11/12/05, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Original idea for a flash. Graphics are very low quality. Improve them first, then add some razzle dazzle. This demo might be better once it is completed.

This was made on 10/21/06, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Graphics could have more attention to detail and the animation should be smoother. Gameplay starts okay but there is slowdown. Remove the lag right away. Adding power ups is always a good idea.

Luck over skill themed block touching flash. Graphics are drab colors. You should add some bright and vibrant colors. Once you shoot the ball you have very little control over it. You just have to be lucky and hope it touches all the blocks.
You should not insult your audience in the Author Comments. Yes, I did make it pass the first level before writing this review.

The screen is way too small, make the screen size much larger. This is a remake of Stunt Copter so no points for creativity. Stick figures are the lowest tier of graphics. Adding unlockables might increase the replay factor.

This was made on 8/4/06, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Coloring book brought into flash featuring an Ocean Party vibe. This could be great for a small child.

This was made on 4/5/06, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Scene creator featuring Doom sprites and a Metal Slug background. You need more background choices, especially some that actually look like they could be from Doom. Graphics are sprites so no points for creativity. If you could animate your creation that would be an improvement.

Reduced screen size is a horrible idea, return it to the standard size. It could use more areas to explore and power ups.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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