
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Shooting guns in the last episode of the series. Graphics are okay but could always use more razzle dazzle. Adding more guns and weapon choices would be helpful.

Halloween themed flash all about getting all the candies. Graphics were dark toned which makes sense for a nighttime adventure. The controls took a second to figure out, but I mastered it.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Basic tutorial that has been better before. The information presented is not new at all. It has been demonstrated better in several other tutorials. If you added more information and put more effort on the graphics this could be better.

This was made on 11/25/05, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Point and click game featuring a haunted house. Gameplay is very short, and it needs to be longer. A good plot would help explain why exactly you are preceding until the end. It could be much scarier.

Christmas themed flash all about flying Santa's sled. Graphics are okay but could be more vivid and bright. Gameplay is stalled by all the slowdown. If you removed the lag than this game would be better.

This was made on 12/1/05, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Soundboard featuring GTA 2 video game. Graphics on the buttons should be dynamic and shiny. Adding scenes from the game and some animation would be an improvement.

Just a set up to scream at the player. I was very disappointed when the screaming started. That was just a cheap trick to pull on your audience. Next submission, take your time and put effort into your creation.

Graphics are probably the best part of this flash, but they could use vibrant colors. Gameplay could be better if you could actually kill the enemies. With more work and effort this could be better once finished.

This was made on 4/11/06, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

Better than average airplane shooting flash. Graphics are average, but they could use better attention to detail. Gameplay was easier for me, but this game gets repetitive quickly.

Mostly sprites used here, so that lowers your graphics score. Gameplay could be better if you added a 50/50 and a free pass ability. You should have more than one life if you miss one question.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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