
7,723 Game Reviews

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Fun little game that is only limited by lag. Gameplay is fast and you have to keep dodging explosions. The slowdown starts to creep up on you until you can barely move. If you removed all the lag than this game would really be better.

Shooting guns and trying to defend yourself from the enemies in the last episode of the series. The controls are still odd, and you should allow your players to reconfigure them. The few new weapon are nice, but you could add many more. The ability to purchase or earn upgrades could really be an improvement.

Shooting guns and trying to defend yourself from the enemies. You should allow your players to reconfigure the controls. Adding more variety in weapons, mines, and crossbows would be nice. The ability to purchase or earn upgrades could improve replay factor.

Maze flash that could have more content. This feels like a mini game not a completed game. Adding more mini games could help stretch it out. You should find a way to make this all one finished game.

This was made on 4/12/06, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

An old idea that has been used again, so no points for creativity. Graphics are bland and need bright and vivid colors. Controls are loose and they should be tighter. Some power ups could be a helpful idea.

This was made on 4/14/06, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

The last episode of the series? This gadget hasn't really changed much over the series. Adding graphics and some animations would be helpful.

Using a Nintendo Wii controller to destroy rival controllers is a fun idea. Gameplay could be improved with power ups or purchasing upgrades with your score. That would help with the replay factor.

Just a minigame made to waste time. If you added a story, more content, and more to do this might reach the level of a finished flash.

Mostly a minigame that needs more content. This could really use more content and goals to achieve.

Reduction of the screen is frustrating, return it to the standard size. An interesting twist on Chess, but it has no check points. If you added check points, it would increase your replay factor.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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