
7,723 Game Reviews

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Halloween vibes mixed with a little Tetris gives you Halloween Sprash. It takes a few seconds to figure out, but nothing too complicated. If you added powerups or something to unlock with your score it could be helpful.

This was made on 10/16/06, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Plenty of potential but lacking in the execution. Graphics are nice but should offer different background choices. Only having one type of robot limits your Futurama creativity. It could use many more props. A way to animate your creation would be Top Notch.

Aprime responds:

Yeah sorry, I made this 17 years ago

Racing flash that feels too much like the original. Graphics are too similar. You could have given them some razzle dazzle. Gameplay offers four new modes but noting that spectacular. A sequel should try to offer improvements, and this just offers the same as the original.

Reducing the screen size is always a poor choice. Return it to the standard size. Graphics could use more attention to detail. Many glitches that prevent this game from running smoothly. Remove the glitches and add some better songs.

Drinking beer presented as a flash. The gimmick of drinking beer without getting sick is very limited. If you added a sim date feature or trying to stack the empty bottles that would give this game more content.

Imitation of Arkanoid the classic NES video game. No points for creativity. The text is smushed together in the How To Play screen making it difficult to read. The largest flaw here is the slowdown. Remove the lag right away.

At the beginning, you should have less enemies and work your difficulty up as you proceed. That would give the player a chance to get warmed up. Gameplay gets stalled due to lag. Remove the slowdown for improvement. Adding more weapon choices and upgrades would be helpful.

Puzzle flash that is all about getting all the squares to match. The challenge level wasn't hard for me. It can get boring after a while. There should be unlockables to increase the replay factor.

This was made on 11/13/05, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Stick figures are the lowest tier of graphics. Gameplay suffers from the controls. You should allow players the chance to reconfigure them. Including more weapons and attacks would be helpful.

Scene creator that features Sonic the Hedgehog. It could use more sprites and many different backgrounds. If you added a way to animate your scene it would be much better.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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