
7,723 Game Reviews

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Another soundboard and this one features The Girl Next Door. The sound clips were not very clear, and you will need many more of them. Adding animation would be a large improvement.

This was made on 11/22/04, and i am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Not really a game, but an interactive movie. If you added more choices, more content, and action than this could be a decent game.

This was made on 7/20/05, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

A fun little quiz all about Majora's Mask the N64 video game. Once you answer the questions it's over, so no replay factor. You could add more than one quiz to keep players interested.

Here we have rock, paper, scissors brought to flash. It is not an original idea, so no points there. Graphics are decent, but they are just hand signs. Gameplay is good for just one time, no reason to ever play it again.

Graphics are basic, but they get the point of the tutorial across. It could be helpful to new users just starting out. You should add more musical choices to give the player choices.

This was made on 7/19/05, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

More of an interactive movie than a true game. Graphics have an artistic style. If you added different options and goals to achieve this could improve.

This was made on 6/18/05, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

A dress up game featuring Potato Man. Many more props and a way to animate your creation would be improvements. You should always include a cute anime girl in any dress up game if you want your audience to enjoy it.

Another sound board that features Homer Simpson. It needs many more sounds clips, graphics, and animation to improve.

Basic Battle engine to test out. This could be made into a much longer and complex game.

The sequel to the original Sparks flash. Graphics look decent enough. Gameplay tends to be repetitive. You should add more goals and content.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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