
7,723 Game Reviews

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Dum is a beta version of a shooting flash. It is very influenced by Doom. If you improved the graphics, added more weapons, attacks, and gear than this could be better.

Billy Madison Soundboard seems to be a very limited soundboard flash. Focusing one just one movie seems like a huge mistake. It really needs many more sound clips, and animations to help this improve.

Classic Snake is just another imitation of the basic snake game. There is nothing new or exciting going on in this flash. Graphics could be fancier and use more attention to detail.

Drag Racer is just a demo that acts as a mini game. You should be able to change up all the colors, and it needs more changing options and parts. There should be more content and areas to explore.

-Stay Awake- is a Halloween themed game all about not falling asleep. Graphics were great, and definitely the best part of this flash. Controls felt a bit off, and that made gameplay harder than it should have been.

Grandma Death is a flash about killing and getting points. Graphics were low quality. They should have more attention to detail and polish. All of the Swedish text was just weird, it should be removed. It could use power ups, more weapons, and attacks.

One Day Image Tutorials is a flash tutorial. Graphics should be fancier and more polished. If you added animations that would really help the overall quality.

This was made on 11/24/05, and I am the tenth person to review it.

[SB] The Three Stooges is a basic soundboard. Graphics could use more attention to detail and effort. It could be better organized and include plenty of animation.

3-Point Perspective is a tutorial flash. Graphics were okay but could use brighter and more vivid colors. You could use more animation in the start and the middle, instead of just all towards the end.

Gone Bananas is a flash that offers three different mini games. Gameplay is not fun and has slowdown. If you removed the lag and made the games more fun than this would become better.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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