
7,723 Game Reviews

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Graphics look good and the animation is okay. This game is really hurt by the high difficulty. If you have to cheat to play a game, than there is a serious problem. Reduce the difficulty so players can actually experience the entire game.

Talk about about a blast from the past.This game is just fun, and it is still fun today. I remember playing this often back in 2004. Graphics look nice, and no problems with the gameplay. I do miss Steve Irwin and his reckless attitude.

This a great Fallout parody game. Graphics are silly, but you can tell things apart. Nice use of humor and comedy.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Little-Rena responds:

I love my silly graphics, it's about the only thing I can draw, some say I draw like a 10 year old, I take that as a compliment.

This Soundboard seems better than the Dave Chappelle one. It could have more buttons to press. If you added animation or video clips, it would really improve.

This is okay for a older soundboard. The sounds can be difficult to hear. One sound should finish or stop, before another one begins.

This is another game that I played years ago, and I am revisiting. The graphics are good, but there should be more damage to your opponent. There really needs to be more blood. The opponent should fight back. That would make this game much better.

Graphics are very good, especially when this game was created back in 2004. The music is good, but it should last longer. Having more item choices would be a great idea.

This is a very basic shooting game. Controls work well, just point and shoot. The game is small, it should be normal size. Adding more enemy types and upgrades would be an improvement.

This is one of the first RTS games that I can remember playing. The graphics still hold up, and the story is good. The best plan is to produce troops faster than the computer for victory.

It is a simple game abut trying to earn money and avoiding bombs. Why did you choose the End key to stop? Including a high score feature would be a nice touch.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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