
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a great game that I used to play all the time back in 2004. Even today, the fun factor is still there. It could run smoother and faster, but it is still solid.

This is an old school Clock themed shooting game. Graphics are good enough, and the controls hold up. It could use more levels and many more targets.

This is a simple and fun game. The graphics are nice, but could be improved. With more levels and content it would be much better.

This is a remake of the Arcade classic Asteroids. Graphics are basic. They should be more colorful and detailed. It needs upgrades, more levels, and goals to accomplish. The game screen should be normal size, it is too small. This game feels incomplete.

Nice graphics overall. Bowsette looks amazing in this game. However, she just sits there. She should be more interactive as you play. The gameplay is average for a wack a mole game. Adding different music and sound effects really be an improvement.

Erigatohishima responds:

Thanks,And we're working on bringing her to life as the user interacts with the game along with improving the music and sound aspects of the games

The graphics are nice and good use of color. There should be a way to change the controls. This is a simple avoiding game. It could use more character choices like a dog and/or a rabbit.

Jumping should be more sensitive, and there should be a way to jump longer. You should add the ability to unlock or buy upgrades, at least different skins. Why a ghost can't float over, or pass through the spikes without harm is a mystery.

This is definitely a trippy puzzle game. The pink objects stand out against the blue and white backgrounds. Having to get all the blob guys for the good ending makes the game last longer. There could be more objects to interact with and areas to explore.

siddikinz responds:

thank you so much! i think i might add more side quests soon

This a a basic beta of a fighting game. It needs better graphics and details. There should be more content and fighting moves. It might be much better once it is actually completed.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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