
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This puzzle game has been inspired by Pac-man, and takes it in a new direction. Collecting glowing orbs in still there, and so are the ghosts chasing you. There should be a way to change your direction while moving. How do you kill the ghosts? Is there a power pellet someplace like the original Pac-man?

Kirill-Live responds:

the luminous points are not the goal, whites increase the time Black takes away.
You can kill a ghost by collecting 4 different colored particles in center of the labyrinth, after which in center a portal opens where need to put lure the ghost.

This game does not live up to its potential. The graphics need improvement and more detail. It could use more action and combat. The controls need work, especially the jumping.

This is just a simple piano that you can enjoy. Watch out for the down button. Nice work.

Dynasty Street is one of the better stick games that I have played on NewGrounds. The environment allows you the freedom to go around and explore things. One of the first games that I can remember that has cut scenes.

This is a simple game done right, and that is why it is a classic. The graphics are nice, but the best part is the music. There is a very high replay factor as well.

This is a simple and fun stickman fighting game. The graphics are basic, but work well enough. The best part of this game are the controls. I had no issues with lag at all.

This is a good stick shooter game. There is lots of action, and it is fun to play. There is a nice selection of weapons to pick from. The music is awesome. Great job.

If you like Rage, than this is the game for you. There is plenty of action, and stick figures to fight. I made it through and defeated the entire game. It all comes down to skill and how well you rage.

A nice sniper game with stick men targets. It is a simple game with easy controls. It could be much longer and have more targets. You should be able to be upgrades and a better sniper rifle.

This is a fun classic NewGrounds game. I used to play in back in when it first came out. It could be longer and have power ups, but it is still awesome today.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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