
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Hectic is a game all about dodging bombs. The game starts off too fast, you should offer different difficulty settings. That would help newer players get used to the speed.

The X-Men are awesome, but this flash didn't present them in the best light. Typing and fighting game does not combine well. You should remake the controls and include more fun in this game.

Lanes is a game all about changing lanes. I messed around with the controls and found out that you can use your mouse or arrows to change lanes. This game can become addicting as I kept going further and further into it.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is a clicker that makes you work for it. You have to click slowly to make sure that it works properly. If you are up for the challenge, this could be the game for you.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

NG BBS Awards 2019 is a gadget all about this particular general forum topic. These things always remind of a High School Yearbook where a few popular kids get all the attention. Controls work well, and no bugs.

The medals work, and I earned them.

Ryu's journey (part 1) has the issue of clarification. Is it a movie or a game? You should decide which way to go, and then start the improvements. If you decide to make it a game, you will need to make it longer and include a larger variety of moves.

Black Ops is a run and gun flash. Gameplay was going okay until the slowdown started. Lag can ruin even the best game. Remove the lag, upgrade the graphics, and add more weapons for improvement.

BIDIK 2006 is a flash about riding a bicycle. Graphics are average, so they need more effort and attention to detail. If you added more things to do, different levels, and a great ending this game could be better.

CURIO: A Comic Promo is an interactive slideshow at best and pretty much a demo. You need better graphics and animation for this to be better.

This was made on 11/21/05, and I am only the ninth person to vote on it.

Firewall WXP is a basic flash game. Gameplay starts off easy and gets tougher as you progress. Graphics were low quality. If you put more effort and time onto the graphics, than this game would improve.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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