
7,723 Game Reviews

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I can see the influence of Ninja Gaiden from the original NES. Especially, with the infamous Ninja Gaiden wall jumping. The controls are responsive, and that makes it easier to play with game as a speed run. This is a nice platformer game.

The arcade style graphics seem like this could be a port to the original NES. From the cute look you might not notice the challenging difficulty. You can never go wrong with adding power ups and different weapons.

It looks like you mixed Super Mario Land 3 the Gameboy game with a little touch of Bomberman the classic NES game. The graphics have that old school feel. The platforming aspect gave me some slowdowns. The lag was really ruing the game's fun.

Graphics are Pixel Art, but the frog could use more attention to detail. The controls took a try or two, but I was able to master them. It would be nice to earn or buy new moves, like a double jump.

I can see some influence from the Castlevania games for the Classic NES. The graphics have a Halloween vibe that is spooky and creepy. I had no issues with the control. Gameplay was fine and had no slowdowns.

This is a Christmas themed game, but with a twist. You play as a cat trying to ruin your Christmas Tree. Graphics are a cute version of Pixel Art. This is a nice little one or two player game.

Graphics are 16 bit pixel art, all the characters have a high level of detail. The controls work well enough. Gameplay can be tricky at first, but once you master them it gets easy. Lots of good music and sound effects as well.

This is a game that was designed to be played on a Gameboy color. Graphics are 8 bit style Pixel Art. Controls are simple and effective. The ability to create and load levels really increases the replay factor. This game is very fun.

This reminds me of the original NES game Fire and Ice. Controls are basic and simple. Gameplay is easy and fun. This would be a good starter video game for small kids.

I remember playing the original Gameboy. Then one day they introduced color to the Gameboy, it was revolutionary. This game is based on Among Us the well-known mobile game. Graphics are the tried-and-true Pixel Art. No issues with the controls at all. Top notch job on this game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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