
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics start off cute, but they get darker and spookier as you go. Controls are simple, but they work well. Have you ever wanted to play as a mushroom who digs? If so, well this is the game for you.

Graphics have a watercolor or crayon look and vibe. The controls work well, and I mastered them quickly. Gameplay is all about a mom bird throwing eggs and trying to rescue her son. This game is short, only three levels. If you added more levels, and some power ups the game would improve.

The graphics are average, two skinny warriors and a basically bare white background. Controls are simple and basic. Gameplay is really hurt by slowdowns. The lag monster has hit this game hard. If you fixed the lag things would improve.

This is an older game that I used to play often. It is not the best looking, but it's mostly about the gameplay. The physics can be wanky at times, but that is put of the charm. You could add more wrestling moves, and make the characters look more like real wrestlers.

This is a short and sweet game. Once you get the hang of the controls. you will find the boss to be easy. There should be more places to explore, and content to check out. Adding some special attacks would be nice.

It is rare to play as a gardener, but even rarer to be an undead gardener. Graphics are decent but could use more attention to detail. The moves are okay, but there should be more of them. Adding some upgrades and/or power ups would be nice.

This is a typical fighting versus game. Average graphics and moves. This entire game just seems so generic, there is nothing new or exciting. There is plenty of untapped potential here, it just needs to be developed.

If you enjoy button mashing than this is the game for you. It takes about thirty minutes to finish the entire game. The ending is disappointing, but at least you know the game is finished. If you can find a way to lower the button mashing, and add new special attacks, then this game would improve.

Graphics are decent, but the characters should be larger. Controls take a few tries to master. Gameplay starts off right away without any warning. Once you get the hang of everything, the game ends too fast. It should be longer and have missions to go on.

Graphics are not the best, but this game is all about the fighting. You are able to pick any key for any command, so that is helpful. There are different moves to try out. Adding different challenge settings and more moves would make it better.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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