
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This is a very fun music making game. I really enjoyed playing this game. Keep up the good work.

This is a short, but fun game. Very creative with the answer choices. If this is your first flash, then great job.

The medal works. and I earned it.

This is a good screamer game. Most of it was easy, except for the pentagram puzzle. It took a few tries to figure it out. The medals work, and I earned them all. Very nice work, will there be a sequel?

Emby responds:

Not exactly a screamer... but, there will most likely be an indirect sequel some time in the future.

Ten levels was a bit too long for this game. You also move slow in this game. If you can increase the speed and/or add a double jump, that would be helpful. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

thePalindrome responds:

In order:
1. There'll be 15 levels, including a boss, so keep an eye out
2. I might add a powerup for speed so that I don't have to re-make the levels
3. a double-jump would be kind of cool
4. I don't think that Color Man is even worth a sequel, but wait until it is a little more fleshed out, then you can decide

Thanks for the feedback!


Good work for your first robot jam entry. This is a nice, short game. The graphics and controls were great. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

Satyre responds:

Thanks, and great that the medals work :D
There will be a sequel, maybe with some jump n run elements and some tasks with maths.

This is a fun, but challenging gardening game. The controls work well, and the graphics were great. I am not sure why people were so critical of the jumping button. I had no problem withing jumping, it went well for me. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

This is an interesting game. Playing as the dog was fun, but the last two boards were very challenging. I finally figured them out and got to the ending. The story was okay, but I do not see why people are crying about it. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

This is a fun falling based game. The graphics were simple but good. The controls would sometimes drift toward the left. Not sure if that was a wind effect, or a bug. The medals work, and I earned them all.

bcdefg123 responds:

I'm not experiencing any drift...

This is a short, fun game. I enjoyed the story. The medal is tricky to locate, but I found it. the medal does work, and I earned it. Will there be a sequel?

Zanroth responds:

I fully intend to make a follow-up at some point.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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