
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a very relaxing game. First time I have seen a duck jumping over polls so he can swim. The random jump button was hard at first, but then I mastered it. The medals work, and I earned them all. I was playing for a while and then died on purpose. I had no idea that I would get the number one score.

UPTX responds:

Wow, impressive o:

This is a nice orb finding game. I did not enjoy the mouse and keyboard controls, next time make it all keyboard. The story seems short, like something is missing. You should make a sequel, and explain the rest of the story.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is a fun jumping and dropping game. The platforms were a little buggy, but nothing too bad. Things became interesting once the arrows showed up. This is a great game that you created in 24 hours. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

VictorGrunn responds:

Actually, yeah. Maybe not a sequel so much as "a proper game". Can you shoot me a mail and explain what was buggy about the platforms? People keep saying this and I can't figure out what they mean.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for playing, it was fun if demanding to make in 24h.

This is a nice and fun, short game. The controls and graphics were good. The last letter took a while to show up, but I never was hit by the dropping balls. The medal works, and I earned it. Will there be a sequel?

This is a game with a nice story, but bad sliding physics. Some of the levels require precise sliding, and it can be quite frustrating to complete those challenges. I had to complete this game twice, the first time I received no medals.

This is not a bad game, and people should give try it out. With a few tweaks, this would be a great game. The medals work, and I earned them all.

This game has a new twist on the siege concept by introducing soul collection. Not only do you have to kill your enemies, but you have to collect souls in a different world. You can also eat your own troops to regenerate health. I enjoyed playing this game.
It did lag some times, there was no way to adjust the quality, and it took sometime to get used to the controls.
The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

Asvegren responds:

I'm glad you liked it! I just uploaded an updated version where the quality is adjusted slightly lower, hopefully this will reduce lag. I would like to make a sequel, the development process was very rewarding and I am quite happy with the end product (given the fairly short development time). On the other hand, it did score slightly lower than we had hoped - however reviews like yours make it worth it!

This is a very short game. It could use instructions. There is no replay button.
However, I did finally figure this game out. The medals work, and I earned them all.

Little-Rena responds:

I know, I forgot the replay button!

At first, I did not understand this game, but I figured it out. This game is fun. The controls work well, and nice graphics. There is no way to submit a high score, but mine was 900. The medals work, and I earned them all. Looking forward to a sequel.

ablr responds:

Thanks! It auto-submits high scores :)

This is a fun soccer game. The controls work well, and there is a good difficulty curve. Scoring more than one soccer ball in the goal was a new and interesting concept. The medals work, and I earned them all. Look forward to more of your work.

This is a fun block dropping game. The controls work well, and the graphics are good. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

SuperJedi224 responds:

Yes, you have everything... so far. I'll be adding new levels and achievements over time.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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