
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a nice Meme cartoon creation toolkit. I had fun playing with it. The medal works, and I earned it. Will there be a sequel?

This is a good game ,but has several problems. It lags between levels, what that done on purpose? This game has an upgrade problem that seems to be common. Even if you buy all of the upgrades the game is still very challenging. If your going to have upgrades, once you buy them all the game should be easy. This game needs a healing feature. This game also needs a double jump.

I did defeat the game ,and saw the very short ending. The medals work, and I earned them all. I look forward to a sequel with some improvements.

This is a fun organ transplanting game. I have taken anatomy classes before, so I am very good at this game. With some work, it could be a great way to learn more about human anatomy. The medal works, and I earned it. Looking forward to the sequel.

This is a fun Clock day game. It took me a while to figure things out, but I finally did. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel? See you next Clock day.

FlyingColours responds:

Thanks for the review! I don't really have a sequel in mind yet. I'll see what I come up with next year! See you then!

This is a nice Clockday flash. The medal works, and I earned it. Will there be a sequel?

JeffersonTD responds:

Thanks! This was just an idea I came up with on clock day as I read what it was about. Maybe there will be a sequel, but probably not before the next clock day. We'll see about that. :)

This is an interesting flash game. Collecting fireflies and then defeating a spirit. it seems like an original concept. the graphics were good. Clicking to collect the fireflies could be easier. The medals work, and I earned them all. Will there be a sequel?

Lenke responds:

a sequel? i was thinking in that but i'm not sure...
i'm starting a new project (?)...

This is a fun, short game. The solutions didn't always make sense, but I managed to figure them out. The graphics and controls were good. Antarctica, was a nice place to explore. The medals work, and I earned them all. I look forward to your next flash.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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