I defeated this game was back in 2010, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.
A knight themed flash. Graphics have a cute look. The entire game is influenced by Zelda 2.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
I defeated this game was back in 2010, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.
A knight themed flash. Graphics have a cute look. The entire game is influenced by Zelda 2.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
Don’t forget to grab the full-game/sequel on Steam!
This is a chicken making flash. Graphics are average and it's a just a typical game. It needs different background scenes. If you like chickens, then this might be the game for you.
This game was made on 9/12/10, and I am only the seventh person to review it.
Thank you for looking at this. It was truly a lifetime ago.
If I do it again I'll add backgrounds, and I guess do it as an HTML5 Canvas.
Dress Up featuring Habbo flash. Graphics are average and need more razzle dazzle. Next time, you should pick a more popular character than Habbo.
It was popular when it was released, was also my first game!
This is a joke game. It trolls the user with poor graphics and ending too quickly. The musical selection is also a bad choice.
Oh shit, good to know. Thanks!
I defeated this game was back in 2009, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.
Graphics are colorful and bright. Gameplay can be a little tricky but gets easier with practice.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
The classic Doctor Strongbad review hell yeah!
Did you know that this was one of the first games on NG that featured the medal system? This was back when I had to email Tom Fulp and manually tell him what medals I wanted and their descriptions/points worth, and he would reply with the code needed to call the API for the medal unlock. Wild times!
I defeated this game was back in 2009, but it's missing a review. Here I am correcting this issue.
Graphics have a strong alien vibe. Gameplay is slow, so it could be faster. I remember this game having medals, but it looks like they were removed for some reason.
Yeah we added the ability to run in the sequel.
Flanders killing flash. Graphics have the Simpsons feel down to the sprites. Gameplay could use more weapons and attacks.
You're right! Thanks!
Reminds me of the old school Atari days. Graphics have s nice retro vibe. Gameplay works well, but its only one level. If you added power ups and more attacks that could be helpful.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
The living legend! Im honored sir, thank you OuO Im already working on the sequel which I'll release next week! More levels, enemies, powerUps and... not sure about more attacks, cant promise that one xD I'll think about it though ;)
Cheers and Happy New Year!
Scream the movie influenced flash. This feels like an unfinished demo. Graphics could use more polish. Gameplay is lacking. If you added more content and action, it might be improved.
This was the first game I ever made back in the early 2000s
Tossing strategy flash. Graphics have a cute theme to them. Gameplay is pretty easy to start but can take a few tries to get the best results.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04